CT for Joomla! – 3.2.6 (2024-02-25)
- Bugs fixed:
- Toolbar buttons “return to” functionality fixed.
- Radio field type input box value bug fixed.
- GPS coordinates value output bug fixed.
- Table integrity check – Add New Table bug fixed.
- Table creation on fresh website fixed.
- File Link field type bug fixed. It was affecting websites that are not in the root folder.
- 3rd-party imported tables in the admin back-end warning – fixed.
- Create new field bug fixed.
- String field type input length bug fixed.
- File Box field type – upload new file bug fixed.
- Copy Table fields parameters bug fixed.
- Change field and copy table methods improved. Type consistent. Also search by date fixed.
- Code organization and future compatibility:
- SQL query selects are sanitized in a single file.
- Find Similar Images class moved to CustomTables name space.
- JoomlaBasicMisc class replaced with CTMiscHelper class
- Pagination class moved out of the CT Library and available in Joomla version only. There will be different pagination class for WP.
- LayoutEditor class created and methods moved to this new class.
- CT_FieldTypeTag_FileBox moved to InputBox_filebox
- Factory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage replaced with common::enqueueMessage()
- Third-party libraries updated or moved. Database class improved – more secure approach.