How it works

Create a table and fields



Create Edit Form and Catalog Layouts to show table content on the front-end.



The layout is a template language for HTML code with special tags to output data from the table records.

When rendering catalog records, the tag will be replaced with the field value.

For example you have a field “producttitle”, to output its value type this:

<p>{{ producttitle }}</p>

Where <p></p> is the HTML paragraph tag. and {{ producttitle }} is the Twig tag that will return the field “producttitle” value.

In Joomla, to display the custom form on the front-end of your website, you need to create a new menu item that links to the form page.

Create Custom Table Catalog menu item, select table, catalog layout, edit form layout and configure other settings such as access level, etc.


In WordPress, to display the custom form on the front-end, create a new Page or Post, and place the Custom Tables Block within the content area.

Add Custom Table Block, select table, catalog layout, edit form layout.


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Updated on January 4, 2025