This Joomla plugin activates the functionality of Custom Tables Pro and includes additional features such as a plugin to insert Custom Tables Catalog records into any article or location where Content Plugins are enabled.
Custom Tables Catalog #
{customtablescatalog=Table Name,|Page Layout Name|,|Item Layout Name|,|Publish State|,|Filter|,|Sort by Field|,|Force Itemid|,|Limit|}
- Table Name – Existing Custom Tables table.
- Page Layout Name (Optional): Simple Catalog or Catalog Page layout to generate a catalog page.
- Item Layout Name (Optional): Catalog Item layout used with Catalog Page only.
- Publish State (Optional): Filter to show published or unpublished records or both (Options: showpublished, showunpublished, any)
- Filter (Optional): ‘Where clause’ to extract specific records fulfilling a condition, and a limit clause for the number of records.
- Sort by Field (Optional): Field name to sort by. To sort records in descending order add ” desc” after the field name.
- Force Itemid (Optional): Used to set parameters for edit form or apply permissions.
- Limit (Optional): Limit the number of records.
You can use the “_id” or “_published” keywords to order or filter by a record ID or publish status accordingly.
Examples: #
Insert records from the products table using the default layout:
Insert records from the products table as described in the List of Product layout, records must be published and the price more than 0, also sort records by name field:
Insert records from the products table using the default layout and sort records by price field in descending order:
{customtablescatalog=products,,,,,price desc}
You can use Twig tags inside the parameter but enclose it with quotes. Insert published records from the countries table using the default layout where code field = ‘pa’, and limit the output to 5 records:
{customtablescatalog=countries,,,published,"code={{ 'p' ~ 'a'}}",,,5}
Custom Tables Record #
{customtablesrecord=Table Name,Field Name or Layout,Record ID or Filter}
- Table Name: Existing Custom Tables table.
- Field Name: Field Name or Layout like this “layout:layoutname”.
- Record ID or Filter: 1,2,3 or a condition like “price>1”.
Examples: #
Insert a name of the country from the record with Id = 1:
Insert a record from “purchases” table generated using “purchaseDetails” layout and where “user” = current user id:
Insert a name of the country from the record where “code” field = “US”:
Tabs #
{tab:Tab 1 Title}Tab 1 content{tab:Tab 2 Title}Tab 2 content{/tabs}
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