CT for Joomla! – 3.1.7 (2023-10-18)

  • Joomla 4.4.0 and PHP 8.1 Compatibility:
    1. Joomla 4.4.0 compatible – “getWebAssetManager” error fixed;
    2. Float number formatting PHP 8.1 bug fixed;
    3. Table Join, Wrapper check added.
  • Improvements / new:
    1. | json_encode and json_decode Twig filters added;
    2. {{ record.isLast }} tag added;
    3. Virtual Select Input Select Box added. Used in improved Table Join fields with the search feature;
    4. JSON output improved, organized, and fixed;
    5. Back-end: Table Category filter added;
    6. Run custom “OnChange” code when Modal Form is saved;
    7. Custom PHP file bug reporting added;
    8. Default layout generator improved;
    9. Value checks added – for stability.
  • Code organization and future compatibility:
    1. $db = Factory::getDBO(); replaced with CustomTables\database;
    2. Unused Class imports deleted;
    3. Env->jinput replaced with common->input;
  • Bugs fixed:
    1. Installation issue ‘Class “CustomTables\database” not found’ has been fixed;
    2. Legacy selector bug fixed;
    3. Get Table Join empty value error fixed;
    4. File Box field type value output bug fixed;
    5. File Type loader fixed;
    6. Listing Published value bug fixed. (In layouts).